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Success Story 


In Nicaragua we carried out audiovisual production coverage for UNICEF for the response to the humanitarian emergency caused by the impact of Hurricanes ETA and IOTA that hit the Autonomous Region of the North and Central Caribbean Coast with category five on the Saffir-Simpson scale North of the country.  

The coverage began from the day of the impact of the hurricanes in November 2020 and extended until the year more than 20 indigenous communities of the Autonomous Region of the North Caribbean Coast and North Center of the country, generating a little more than50 testimonial videos in Spanish and English versions.

This audiovisual production was a key resource that UNICEF used asstrategic communication pieces for  the  management of  international fundsfor  the  response to the emergency provided by governments and international cooperation agencies aimed at the  humanitarian response in care programs  water, sanitation and hygiene, education, nutrition, protection to    children and adolescents, vulnerable groups, monitoring, communication  for  social  and behavioral change.

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With more than 15 years of producing in communities on the Caribbean coast of Nicaragua We have extensive experience in coverage of disasters and emergency situations at all stages from planning, organization, logistics and execution.

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